I've done a lot of riding at Waterman lately. Well I don't know if you can consider twice a week "a lot," but it sure seems to be. I feel like I have been improving at the Club 57 schools and am getting more and more ready for B class. Carrying more speed through everything and not coasting seem to be the key factors of going fast. To do that safely I need to get loosened up more on my bike. But I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get as loose as Jason Lawrence! That's just crazy!
There has been no snow riding recently partly because there is no snow! But some started falling down today, so I think I might go snow riding again if it keeps snowing.
My wrestling season is almost over. There's less than two weeks left, and I have no idea about how grueling they're going to be. Oh well. Last weekend I stepped in for an injured teammate and was able to win a varsity match. That was pretty cool!