Hey everybody! It's been a while since I last wrote here. I've been spending that time writing in my school notebooks lately instead. I've done quite a bit over the past couple of weeks. And by quite a bit, I mean my family put well over 4,000 miles on vehicles. That's just in two weekends!
About two and a half weeks ago my mom and I helped my dad move a bunch of stuff from Illinois to Georgia. That was for our friend Dan. Some of the stuff was so fricken heavy! Dang, I was so glad when everything was loaded up. The drive down there and back up was pretty easy for me. I just had to sit. :P We didn't spend any time in Georgia really, except for the night, because I wanted to get home to race the Club 57 Challenge.
The Club 57 Challenge was in its second year this year and I didn't want to miss it. Last year it was a lot of fun and this year wasn't much different. There's nothing like 30 minute motos! I think I was one of the only people who did two classes. I was pretty much dead after that... In the 250 class I got 6th overall. My first moto, with a few crashes, didn't put me in a good spot for an overall finish. But the 450 class went a lot better for me. 2nd overall. Oh yeah! I actually raced the first 450 race on my 250 since my 450 wouldn't start. That wasn't bad at all, though. I think I want to do it again next year for sure!
The following weekend my family once again drove a long distance. But this time it was in a totally different direction! We went to Denver, Colorado to watch the Motocross des Nations at Thunder Valley. What an awesome event and place! The track was basically on the line where the Rockie Mountains start. It was sweet driving toward there seeing the mountains. The racing was amazing to watch from atop the Parts Unlimited stand thing. We wouldn't have had tickets to get up there if it weren't for our friend Chris Favro. Team Estonia was there as well. Some mechanical issues didn't put them in too good of a position in the end. They got 15th place. I'm thinking I want to be on that team in a few years... Yeah, that would be awesome.
Downtown Denver was amazing as well. There's a street, basically a mall, where you can walk at night. Just how it was there was pretty cool. I liked going into a souvenir store and looking around. Who comes up with all those funny T-Shirts and knick-knacks anyway?! They must be making some dough.
Lately I've been riding my 125 a lot. We got it back from Dan and Shane before we moved them, and it's just wanting to be ridden. It's easier to ride than my other bikes. But in some ways it's also harder. Just managing the power is kind of hard on the 125. By managing the power, I mean keep it from bogging or revving too much. Quite a bit different! I don't remember ever looping out while just riding before, but I managed to do it on the 125 a couple weeks ago! I was just going through some straight away thinking "I feel like doing something cool." Instead of just pulling my front wheel up a little, I lost control and crashed pretty hard. Intense! But I'm still riding that bad boy. Too much fun! :D
For an English project I made a pretty funny video about Chernobyl. I'm not saying that Chernobyl was funny, but the video I made is. Check it out here!
No animals were harmed in the making of that video! Yeah, it got quite a few people in class laughing...
Until next time... Stay classy planet Earth! -Greg