Friday, October 8, 2010

Birthdays and Mazes

Good day my fellow followers! The past week has been filled with some birthdays around me. My dad turned 42 on the 5th and my sister turned 14 on the 9th! I'm actually pretty surprised at how fast these events are flying by this year. It seems like just yesterday that it was still hot outside. Now all the trees are turning funky colors and leaves are falling off. I don't like this time of year too much. Actually fall isn't bad, but it reminds me that winter is just around the corner. I have a feeling I'm gonna be freezing everyday once again!

I'm just trying to enjoy the weather while it lasts now. I went riding a few times over the week. Kody Kamm's track is really rough now! They brought in a ton of wood chips and the track is just difficult to ride on. But it's good practice for me. Wyatt came riding with me a couple days as well. Uhhh, I think the track was a little too rough for a guy that rides once every couple of weeks. But it's ok. I think he still had fun. Speaking of motocross, I made a helmet cam on Jarred Kimball's track last weekend. I was ripping around on my 125. My dad's featured in the video too! Check it out!

My sister had her birthday party at our house the night before she turned 14. She had a lot of friends come over! The music was blasting and the bon fire in our front yard was burning. I think they all had fun. Here are some pictures from that night.

Another night I went to a corn maze with my friend Wyatt. His mom said that she has been going to this big maze for 30 years on and off, but has never found all the checkpoints (or whatever they're called). So Wyatt decided that we should find all of them this year! He was talking about how we would be there for 6 hours and things like that. Ha! I think he forgot to take into account my presence. The first thing we did was a cool zip-line thing. We were maybe 40 feet up attached to a metal wire. The guy just said "You can go whenever you want." What?! That was kind of scary. But it wasn't bad. It was fun to be up there!

After our little zip-line ride, we decided to get down to business and find all 24 checkpoints. I took the lead with the map and flashlight. We knocked them out one by one, not missing a beat. I thought it was funny seeing people just randomly walking through the maze hoping to find a lucky checkpoint. We didn't need luck. Within 3 hours (including the zip-line) we found them all. It was the first time any of us found all of the ones in that maze. So that was pretty cool!

Next weekend I'm gonna go to a haunted house and hopefully not get scared. So that's it for now! You stay classy, planet Earth. -Greg

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