Friday, February 4, 2011

Indoor Fun

Hey everybody! Since it's so cold and snowy here, I have been doing quite a bit of indoor riding on my bikes. A couple weeks ago my dad and I decided to go check out Racine Indoor Mx. It must not have been a popular day to ride since almost no one was there! Oh well. I got a lot of riding in and had some fun. The following week I went again one day. That day seemed to be a lot more popular because people were actually there. I then actually got to race some people with lap times. Oh, the second time I rode my 125 (newly a 144). That bike rips around Racine! Anyway, my best time was a 1:02.9.

The day after that my mom got home from Florida and we all decided to go ride bikes at Ray's Mountain Bike Park in Milwaukee. It was the grand opening weekend and we thought it would be sweet. And it was! There were a lot of people there for the grand opening. Some pros were there, too. It felt good to ride in there. They sure make fun stuff! When it was almost time to leave I got the opportunity to stay with the Favro's at their hotel and ride again the next day. So I stayed.

I rented a bike the next day and tried starting to master more sections. Lots of fun for sure.

This week of school has been good. That's because we've barely had any! Tuesday night a huge blizzard rolled through the midwest and we got a lot of snow. From that we got two days of school off. It was pretty bad shoveling the couple feet of snow. Oh man, there was a lot of it. Thank god for our neighbor Andy helping us out with his snow blower!

We didn't want to waste our second snow day on nothing, so guess what we did. We went to Ray's again! This time my sister's friend Jackie came with. Also, there was almost no one at the indoor mountain bike park. The whole park was ours for the shredding. By the end of the day we were all really tired again. I mastered more of the expert jumps and starting doing some cool doubles through the pump track. I felt pretty good. I also got some helmet cam video in there. Hopefully I'll have that up soon.

That's basically all I've done over the past two weeks. It's actually quite a bit. I'm glad we have these indoor tracks around here when it's so cold and snowy outside! Later! -Greg

1 comment:

  1. Dear Greg,
    I would really like it if you went to turnabout with me? on the 19th of feb.
