Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lake County Fair: Wednesday

Yo everybody!  Wednesday was a good day for me. Well, at least the end part of it was.  Practice was going all right until the last one, where I had a crash with another guy.  There was this little double before the finish line. Some ruts were in the face and there was some mud in the middle. So this one guy got sideways on the landing after not jumping it.  Uh oh.  I basically t-boned him on the landing. Ouch! My knee was killing me for the rest of the night.

Luckily I didn't have anything go wrong after that.  3rd and 5th in the heat races was the best I could do.  After that I iced my knee and wrapped it so it wouldn't hurt as much.  Wouldn't you know, it worked!  I took my favorite starting spot way on the inside and got a second place start. Not bad. Two laps in the leader's bike seized or something. I was in the lead!  For the rest of the race I just tried not making any mistakes. So I won that 250 race. Yessssss!

The 450 race didn't go as good, but it wasn't bad either.  I just got an all right start and got into 4th place early. That's where I finished, too.  But I wasn't making many mistakes in that race, either.  So I was happy.

That's pretty much how my day went on Wednesday. A lot of carnage both days!

See ya. -Greg

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