Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Super Duper New Years MX Bonanza: Night 1

So here I am, in the van on the way down south once again. It's winter break, but it doesn't seem like winter at all. Sure, it's pretty cold, but there was only a hint of snow a couple weeks ago. For the past couple of winters my dad and I have gone down south to escape the snow and cold weather of Illinois for a week. This year seems weird because there's not really anything to get away from. I could just go ride somewhere in Illinois! But what's the fun in that, right?

Today we had a plan to leave right after the work day. I'm sure we were both hoping for a quick work day so we could actually get some sleep tonight. That didn't seem to work out that well, because we ended up leaving from work at the same time, if not later, than a normal day. What to do, right?

We weren't really in that much of a hurry when we got home. Sure, absolutely nothing was packed. And sure, we did have to leave soon if we wanted to be able to ride the next day (tomorrow). Ok, I change my mind. We were in a hurry. I threw in my gear, loaded up the 250 and trials bike, and got pretty much ready to go. Of course bring paranoid, my dad wanted to bring another bike with just in case the 2-stroke decides to stop working again. So boom boom boom, we slid that into the little space left in the back. After all, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It's Murphy's Law, man.

So off we were. Since my dad is the primary driver (I merely secondary), I had some time to kill. Well, I still do, but whatever. I got out "Around the World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne. I have been reading that for a week now. I felt like finishing it.. Anyway, that book is a perfect example of Murphy's Law. It seems like a bunch of events hinder his journey around the world. But somehow he overcomes everything. So moral of the story: we need that extra bike with. Duh. :P

Oh boy, we still have about 9 hours to go until we get to Monster Mountain (!!!) and the dark flatness everywhere seems to be making us tired. At least those blinking red lights of the giant wind thingies are kind of cool. Wheeeeeeee.

Oh, almost forgot, check out this semi-awesome video I made of myself riding some trials in my yard. Don't criticize me too much; I'm still learning. :D

Have a great day. This has been night 1 of the Super Duper New Years MX Bonanza. Boom.


Now time for "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?" Yes.

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