Saturday, June 2, 2012

Red Bud Regional: Saturday

This weekend is the weekend of the Loretta Lynn's regional qualifier at Red Bud! Some things have happened, mannn, some things have happened.

The track was super rough today, as usual. This roughness caused some action, for sure! I had the later motos of the day, so I got to just ride a bike around with my sister for half the day. When my first moto came up in the Collegeboy class, I raced a totally average mid-pack race! Well, almost totally average. I guess I was in 13th when it happened. By "it" I mean when I got kicked off my bike a little, whiskey throttled, and jumped a bunch of feet down a hill, almost to a tree. Oh, and I just crashed off my bike and was totally fine at the end of it! Oh boy, if anyone was watching, they sure got a cool show! So I finished 24th in that...

My 450 B Mod went a lot more averagely. Ya know, the average mid-pack start, the average racing, to a 14th place. Wheeeee, I made it to the other motos of 450 B!

Because of the crazy crash and finish I had in Collegeboy, I had to go to the last chance qualifier to make it to the next motos. But a second place start and a third in the race was pretty good! I got into the next races from it.

I had a lot of time to kill today, kind of. Thank goodness for bikes! That's everything exciting that happened today. More action tomorrow!

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